Abo Webshop-Offers available now.
Car Abos are in every mouth, many companies start offering long-term rent solutions to the market these days. KMS is also developing a big new Solution for that topic to be announced soon. But you don’t have to wait, as rentoffice already offers long-term rent for many years and some of our biggest customers using it very successfully since then.
In diesem Quartal haben wir unsere Online-Reservierung für Kurzzeitmieten um ein neues Feature namens Abo Webshop-Angebote erweitert. Dort können Webangebote einfach innerhalb von rentoffice erstellt und mit einem Klick auf der Online-Reservierungsseite verfügbar und buchbar gemacht werden. Jede eingehende Buchung des Kunden ist in rentoffice in Echtzeit verfügbar und kann dort einfach weiterbearbeitet werden. Werden Sie noch heute digital!
Vorteile von KMS ABO Webshop Angeboten
- Reduce internal costs: Car Abo booking management takes time and resources. With Abo Webshop-Offers, the customers can book their cars by themselves 100% digital 24hrs a day!
- Increases motivation of customers: a factor that influences customer satisfaction to streamline the subscription process. Customers can evaluate the complete offer and have all the details before they start their booking.
- It helps you to successfully fulfil the contract agreed with the customer. The booking is automatically transfer into a contract for further processing, thus avoiding errors and double manual work.
- Send confirmations automatically: Directly after booking a car the customer receives and confirmation with all the need details and further steps, Ccntract and other documents can be attached.
Features to look for in the Abo Webshop-Offers
- Create and Edit Web-Shop Offers based on car details
- Present offers online on Webpage
- Booking option including availability check
- Mailing/ Bestätigung an Kunde/ Station
- Further processing in rentoffice long-term module (automatic monthly invoices etc.)
Example of rentoffice booking (can be adapted to corporate design)

Abo Webshop-Offers in rentoffice cloud and classic
Webshop-Offers can be managed in rentoffice cloud and classic. It is possible to create multiple Webshop-Offers and also templates for Webshop-Offers for cars.
Edit Webshop-Offers in rentoffice cloud:

Create Webshop Offers in rentoffice classic:

Prequisites to start:
- rentoffice classic hosted by KMS in the Cloud
- including rentoffice Module Longterm Rent/ ABO
- rentoffice booking, Enterprise Edition
Are you interested in ABO Webshop-Offers? Contact us.