KMS Team Day | Open Space: Our own conference

Once a quarter, we take the time to meet within our entire team. By doing that we want to foster collaboration, trust, and growth.

Logically, many perspectives, wishes, and ideas come together in a team of 40 people. And it was precisely this diversity that we wanted to support with our first internal conference - the KMS Open Space.

The self-organised conference format

An Open Space lives from the topics of the participants and so we started with session planning. Everyone was invited to suggest topics that they would like to prepare and run themselves as a session or that they would like to learn something about.

After a short presentation, these topics were arranged on a session plan. Everyone was free to choose which session they want to attend and, most importantly, participants are free to change sessions at any time, thus enabling them to network with each other and spread ideas.

As expected, our topics were diverse: Among other things, we got to know each other even better with Story Cubes, had an open exchange about our vision and discussed the use of artificial intelligence for our work. After a lot of input, we concluded the day with a sporty round of bowling.

Our conclusion: Our first Open Space was not our last!



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KMS Mobility Solutions