Team Day: Bringing Circles-Teams Together for a Common Goal
Berlin, 24 May 2024
Last week on Thursday May 16th, our KMS Mobility Solutions company hosted a Team Day event that brought together colleagues from Berlin and Nuremberg for a day filled with activities, discussions, and fellowship. The event kicked off at 9:30 a.m. with a delightful breakfast, providing a perfect opportunity for members of our holacracy circles teams to gather together informally and exchange ideas.
Connecting Colleagues Through the 'Back to the Office' Initiative
The main focus of the day was the ‘Back to the Office’ initiative, which generated interesting debates and interactive sessions. The session was moderated by a Kaliwerk colleague, who led the team through several exercises designed to address different perspectives on returning to the office. One of the highlights was an activity in which team members lined up how often they currently come to the office and how often they would like to do so in the future. This visual representation fostered a deeper understanding of individual preferences and collective goals in tune with our core values such as ‘Trusted Environment’ and ‚‘Growing as a Team’‘.
The second activity featured a dynamic debate on the pros and cons of office work. Colleagues were divided into groups to present their views, share their reasoning, and propose solutions. Through this open dialogue, a final consensus was reached. With this flexible approach we aim to harmoniously balance personal wishes with the requirements of the company by actively living our core values such as ‘Positive Mindset’ and ‚‘Public Spirit’.

Highlighting Achievements and Awards
After the morning sessions, the team enjoyed a pizza lunch, followed by the presentation of the OKR Q1 results. A highlight of this segment was a creative AI-generated video, showcasing the achievements of the past quarter. The Product Circle Team was awarded for outstanding performance and innovation in recent new product launches, earning a special prize for their efforts.
Read more about our recent achievements here -> Rent-OS Solution Rollout in European Car Dealerships
Congratulations and further successes in the future!
To wrap up the day, every circle received vouchers for a nice pastry, and the event concluded with a sparkling wine and beer toast. The atmosphere was lively with conversations and ping pong games, strengthening and reinforcing the bonds between our diverse circles teams members.

Here are some impressions from our colleagues:

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this Team Day a memorable and productive experience at KMS. Let’s continue to support and live our core values and work together towards our common goals!