Diversity and empowerment drive successful teams

KMS, Diversität-und-empowerment, Erfolgsfaktoren, erfolgreichen, Teams

Which aspects are important for KMS to form successful teams?

At KMS Mobility Solutions, we have set ourselves the goal of creating a truly empowering corporate culture. Diversity and empowerment are among our top priorities, because we want to make our company fit for the challenges of the mobility industry!

Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt darauf, Talente zu erkennen, diese zu fördern und ihre Kompetenzen in das Team zu integrieren. Jede:r in unseren Teams wird respektiert und geschätzt, unabhängig von Alter, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Religion, Geschlecht oder sexueller Orientierung. Auch unsere Kund:innen und Partner sprechen unterschiedliche Sprachen, drücken sich in verschiedenen Formen aus und haben unterschiedliche kulturelle Backgrounds. Um gemeinsam zu wachsen, wollen wir ein Unternehmen aufbauen, das diese Diversität widerspiegelt.

KMS Mobility Solutions develops modern, sustainable technologies, services and products. Our common denominator is our vision of sustainable mobility in the areas of Share, Rent and Subscribe. To implement this, we need to promote diversity and create a culture of empowerment in the workplace.

Why is diversity part of our business culture?

Diversity is not synonymous with the concept of empowerment - but it is mutually dependent. This also includes fostering a culture of innovation that provides room for mistakes and errors as part of the learning and development process - both individually and organizationally. Mutual trust and an open attitude are a central condition for daring to try something new and constantly improving.

Our teams are cross-functional and act largely autonomously in their respective areas of responsibility in our agile development process. Our common orientation is our mission #keepmobilitysimple and respectful cooperation. After all, our business thrives on the creativity of individuals and a good communication and error culture, which we work on every day.

In our teams, English is the regular "working language" as we have gathered so many different nations and languages (e.g. Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Italy, Spain and many others). With the pandemic, we have increasingly relied on home office and hybrid working, which has become a natural new mode and increases flexibility for all of us. The hybrid model also offers definite advantages in terms of compatibility with the family and a good work-life balance.

How do we live the issues of diversity and empowerment in everyday life?

Our employees shape our culture and give the KMS brand its unmistakable character. Different generations enrich our development process with their respective perspectives. The focus on diversity does not mean hiring people just to meet a quota. Rather, it is about creating a work environment that encourages respectful interaction, fosters team spirit and offers tolerance and respect for different abilities.

More and more employees - especially the younger generations who represent the future of business and work - want to work for companies that value difference, diversity and an open, progressive perspective. We put diversity and empowerment at the heart of our recruiting and people management, seeking new talent that shares our vision and values. Our goal is for employees to identify with this and for us to be successful together on this basis.

KMS Mobility Solutions has been pushing innovations in the mobility sector for many years. It is crucial for us as a company that we continue to develop new concepts and drive innovation. We are accompanied by constant change and will continue to grow and hire new employees in the coming months.

We welcome a wide variety of people to contribute to our success together.

Visit our Career section for more information about our vacancies.

KMS – keep mobility simple!



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KMS Mobility Solutions