Our commission module enables to generate and settle commissions quickly. With the activation of the module you will get the possibility to generate commissions for invoices of a transaction manually or automatically, to define commission recipients, as well as suitable reports for the commission overview, settlement, etc.
With it, you will of course be able to create fixed commission recipients and differentiate commission rates between normal and accident replacement business. The setup is very simple. Check the info below to learn about the basics.

The generation of new commissions is normally done through the invoice. As long as it contains commissionable services (these are taken from the transaction), you can open the module through the invoice or transaction to generate the corresponding commissions. Watch this video to learn how to generate and settle new commissions.
In addition, with our module you can create commissions automatically or manually (Parameters > Settings > Commissions). The settlement can take place individually or for several commissions at once. The cancellation of a commission is also possible at any time.
Weitere Info und Hilfe über das Provisionsmodul wartet auf Ihnen hier: http://rentoffice.org/help/rentoffice/index.html?modulprovisionen.htm