KMS Updates | Neues Programmupdate Rentoffice Classic

Our current version contains the following new features and enhancements:

    Dispo-Planer: Now it's possible to sort the vehicles by parking place.

    Invoices: The new version allows deleting invoices with already fibu-transferred payments assigned. The user will be notified and has the option of deleting the invoice or creating an invoice correction. The payments will be separated from the invoice but will continue assigned to the transaction.

    Addresses "Contact person" and "Credit assessment date" fields have been added to the list of available columns in the customer list.

    BIC-Calculation: When entering an IBAN in the customer mask, the BIC will now be calculated automatically

    PDF-Print The name file scheme for printing pdf is now configurable. You're welcome to contact us in case you require this.

In addition, several bug fixes and adjustments were made for better handling of a VAT adjustment.

For further information check our video or our rentoffice version history.



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KMS Mobility Solutions