Rentoffice Cloud | Easy transmissions of payment links


Sending payment links directly from Rentoffice Cloud to customers.

What are the advantages of payment links?

  • Payment links can be created and sent directly in Rentoffice Cloud. Thus, they could be used at the point of sale and serve as a fast and secure payment method.
  • If the clients' credit card expires during the rental period, the payment link can be sent by email to request the current credit card information.
  • If a customer's credit card is not covered, then invoices can be split and the partial sums sent to the customer via a payment link.

How can be the payment links used?

  • Create and send payment links:
    Payment links can be sent directly from Rentoffice Cloud to customers.
    Customers receive an email with a link to pay.
  • Customers pay simply and securely by credit card: When customers open the link from the e-mail, they are taken to a page from which they can simply pay the outstanding invoice by credit card.
  • An overview of all payments:
    Received payments can be found in the Stripe dashboard as usual.


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