KMS Product Launch | FleetInspector 2.0

Complete a newly designed modern App for a paperless, digital Check-In and -Out process including photo documentation, damage management, checklists, and digital signature.

FleetInspector is available as iOS, Android App, and Web App. Due to its integration into the Rentoffice Backoffice System, the FleetInspector saves time and money because of the consistent real-time condition and damage management and paperless processes.


The new version integrates the most important functions of the previous version, improved and including new ones. FleetInspector as a native app for iOS and Android is available in Google and Apple Stores.

FleetInspector offers a completely new user experience for more intuitive usage. The digital claims and damages management application works on all screen sizes (responsive design) and offers a better and faster handling of photos due to async process.

FleetInspector - Outstanding benefits

Why is it different from other similar existing products?

  1. Fully integrated into the rental Process in Rentoffice.

  2. Modern UI for Web, Android, and iOS.

  3. Highly customizable checklists and sectionals drawings to the individual needs of the customers.

  4. Works on all sizes of devices (App and web).

Who is the product for?

  1. Rental Companies that use Rentoffice.

  2. Fleet owners with different drivers.

What does the product do or solve?

  1. Pick-Up and delivery of Cars.

  2. To have a paperless, fully digital, and Real-time process.

  3. Better manage Damage and Car status (Checklist and Photos) to charge their customers for it if needed.


Start the App (Mobile or Tablet) or visit the Web-version and find your car. Be intuitively guided through the process of checking and collecting damages, adding images, documenting the status of the car, and digitally signing the handover with your customer. A PDF report is automatically generated and sent via mail and the status of the car is updated RO Backend.

It is available to all existing or new customers who manage their fleet in Rentoffice. FleetInspector is downable via App Store or uses via Web as part of the KMS Contract.

Further information can be found here



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KMS Mobility Solutions